My favorite three successful hydrogen projects

Today we are talking about very interesting successful hydrogen projects, those which make money and maybe one which hasn’t been economical at all. Because where you see me right now used to be a hydrogen refueling station. Sadly, it has been unbuild. It was Europe’s biggest hydrogen stations of its time and did cost approximately 7.6 million Euro.

It would be possible to assume that hydrogen is not the future. At the end of the video, I share my theory why hydrogen projects are beneficial or not.

My favorite hydrogen projects are

Iberdrola, Fertilizer in Spain

Haßfurt, Windgas in Germany and

Mafate, OFF Grid Energy on Reunion Island

successful hydrogen project no 3: Iberdrola hydrogen and oxygen production Spain

The fertilizer industry is responsible for the most CO2 emissions by hydrogen reformed from methane gas. In the industry chemical hydrogen is traded as technical gas and sold for much higher prices compared to its calorific value.

The expenses for technical hydrogen where big for the Spanish vegetable farmer fertilizer producers.

They use the green hydrogen to make ammonia NH3 by adding nitrogen to hydrogen. Oxygen, as a byproduct of electrolysis, is used entirely in iberdrola’s nitric acid unit.

The production is operational since 2021.

Successful hydrogen project no 2: Haßfurt a small German town making wind gas

Since 2016 the small community has wind turbines and an electrolyzer. Only when the electricity price is low on the stock market, the wind power is used to make hydrogen. The hydrogen is mixed to the gas network. The habitants burn the small percentage of hydrogen in their off the shelf boilers.

Easy as that!

Successful hydrogen project No 1 Mafate on the top of the mountains of the island “la Reunion”

4000 meters high in the mountains a slave named mafate escaped from the cruel slave traders. Many slaves followed his dangerous path to the town then called mafate where the soldiers couldn’t find them.

Still today people live there peacefully. Only helicopters bring goods to the citizens.

They have a lot of photovoltaics. The very rainy place offers fruitful vegetation, but electricity couldn’t be stored in expensive batteries during the cloudy days. The critical infrastructure like public buildings and the cell signal can be fed 10 days by a hydrogen fuel cell.

Since 2017 the town is off grid without discomforts. Only 8-kilowatt peak are enough for 800 habitants if all excess power is used. A lithium Battery with a capacity of 16 kilowatt hours serves as a bridge between peek consumption and electrolyzer production. The 2.5-kilowatt A E M Electrolyzer fills hydrogen canisters which feed a hydrogen fuel cell for five days nonstop.

But isn’t hydrogen explosive and dangerous?

The 2nd July 2022 a big fire established right next to the electrolyzer. No one was injured and sorry for the Hindenburg party the safety system concerning the hydrogen worked flawlessly. Hydrogen was not the reason for the fire.


Why is Iberdrola an amazing hydrogen project?

Iberdrola combined all the parts of a green hydrogen economy on one spot.

  • The renewable energies are right next to the facility
  • They use hydrogen as a high valuable technical gas
  • They use the oxygen to increase payback

Just like the volks-electrolyzer, which can be used with a hydrogen and oxygen booster doubling the benefitskamera

Why is Haßfurt a successful hydrogen project

The habitants of the little town profit from the hydrogen mix in the gas grid. The acceptance of the wind turbines is big because they use “greener” grid gas for their heating without further costs. Key to a successful hydrogen project is

  • Offering benefits to the habitants around the renewable energies locally
  • They can also benefit from negative stock prices for electricity with the electrolyzer
  • By blending the hydrogen to the gas grid, there are no expenses for the pricy hydrogen storage tanks

You want to know hydrogen storage prices? Check out the monthly updated International Hydrogen price list in the volks-electrolyzer members area. You can see electrolyzer prices and fuel cell prices either.

fuel cell price
price for hydrogen electrolysers, fuel cells, hydrogen heaters, hydrogen cars and hydrogen equipment like hydrogen tanks and cylinders, Preis Wasserstoffgenerator, Wasserstoff BHKW, Preis Brennstoffzelle, Preis Elektrolyseur, Preis Wasserstofftankstelle

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and check electrolyzer cost of more than 40 hydrogen manufacturers to see our best value

Why is Mafate a successful hydrogen project

Transporting Diesel by helicopter is incredibly expensive. The return on invest for a fuel cell, an electrolyzer and the hydrogen bundles is the better the more expensive the alternative is. In this case the fossil fuels.

successful Hydrogen from fertilizer, windgas and off grid energy supply
failed hydrogen project
  • The energy consumption of this 800 people is astonishingly low. The easier it is to convert to hydrogen
  • Mafate has no winter, just 10 cloudy days intermit the renewable energy supply.
  • Mafate is an off-grid hydrogen project with little economic alternatives

And this lady from reunion island claims:

If it is possible in Mafate it is possible for the world.

So, if you want to become energy independent with hydrogen, subscribe to the channel. It is so easy to push the like button and its helps us a lot like a sustainable energy supply with green hydrogen

And for the Hindenburg party: The hydrogen refueling station was unbuild to restore the incredible beauty of Hamburg’s heritage in the so called “Speicherstadt”

It’s worth a visit 😉

Thanks for you curiosity

Thanks to

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