nice, you want to become independent with a private electrolyzer. Welcome to hydrogen economy.
Consultancy for an inquiry
Please, use the e-mail service, if you can afford the 20 € handling fee. We feel an urgent need for clarification. This was shown by 2 years of countless inquiries. Many times our beloved customers dreams are far away from what hydrogen and the personal electrolyzer can deliver.
We want you to be aware and are not dependant on sales, but on you as a satisfied customer.
If you are technically talented you will find all technical data and prices in the international hydrogen pricelist.

Write your wishes in the email
we check the feasibility
Thanks for being part of a more sustainable and independent futur
For whom is a private electrolyzer
A private electrolyzer is for those who want to pay less for grid energy or live totally off grid.
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and check electrolyzer cost of more than 40 hydrogen manufacturers to see our best value