An electrolyzer converts water and electricity from renewable sources such as solar, wind and hydro power into hydrogen. The hydrogen is compressed and can store energy for years.
If the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing, the hydrogen can be converted into electricity and or heat.

What do you need to make green hydrogen?
First of all, renewable electricity from PV, wind power or hydropower is needed for green hydrogen production. This brings us to the second essential component of hydrogen production.

Water for green hydrogen production
The VOLKS-ELECTROLYZER uses deionized water. Rainwater, for example, is ideal. We have answered some questions about this in the
Compressing green hydrogen
The electrolyzer splits the water into pure hydrogen. This H2 gas is compressed in the same unit to then be converted into hydrogen cylinders.

We recommend gas cylinders or pressure vessels made of special steel. We do not recommend carbon or fiberglass to protect our community from high disposal costs.
Hydrogen can be stored in bundles (left picture) or on transportable hydrogen trailers.
When the sun is not shining, the hydrogen can be used for heating, refueling or reverse power generation trough a fuel cell.
Preorder a PEM electrolyzer for only 300 $
you can prorder a PEM Electrolyzer in the Members area.
What is the price for a PEM Electrolyzer? Electrolyzer Cost?
We have prices of Electrolyzers from inquiries all over the word. We share these prices with the hydrogen community. It is important for you to know the electrolyzer cost to develop your hydrogen project.

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