Most efficient hydrogen car, overtakes battery electric vehicles by far

Today you are going to see Europe’s most efficient hydrogen car. This concept cars are fueled by water! With about 80 grams of water, the Thaiger H2 drives 1,000 kilometers. A small electrolyzer could split this water to hydrogen with solar. In gasoline equivalent one person could drive 100 kilometers with 0.03 liters or 7,800 miles per gallon. While ordinary cars drive only 22 mpg or uses 10 liters per 100 kilometers.

PEM Elektrolyseur mit Wasseraufbereitung von Leitungswasser ohne Kalilauge, Gastrocknung, smartes Wasserstoffmanagement und Wasserstoffverdichter in kompakter Bauform
Die Version 1.2 der Kompaktelektrolyseur mit Schwarz lackiertem Frontpanel und Stundenzähler, natürlich made in Germany

we support the most energy efficient hydrogen car

This is so amazing that the Volks-Electrolyzer had to become a sponsor of the Thaiger H2 Racing Team.

Enough yammering on, let us see how a race like that looks beneath safety and technical measurements.

At the end of the article, I show you the fuel cell, but first let us catch up with the Eco Marathon. Many sleek hydrogen cars take part. They must have great performance to win the race on fuel efficiency. In contrast to normal races, not the fastest wins, but this hydrogen or electric car which needs less fuel. Some look funny, some cute and some are real design legends.

fuel efficient hydrogen car with fuel cells or internal hydrogen combustion

These Velomobile like looking cars are either in the category Hydrogen internal combustion, Hydrogen Fuel Cell or Battery electric. Those vehicles which could potentially drive on public roads or in cities are so called urban concepts.

How is the race for the fuel cell concept car?

The fuel cell car overtakes the battery electric one.

Let’s get to the technical part. No suspension, no servo, but a vent for the driver is a must.

How to get the most fuel efficient hydrogen car?

The wheels without profile are designed for fuel efficiency and the break paddle should not be used. The driver fits right in the carbon fiber shell. The Thaiger h2 team develops most parts by themselves, like the steering handle and the body.

The hydrogen vehicle weights only 23 kg.

Everything has to be small and light like the pressure regulator with electric shut off. Shell provides a flow meter to measure the winner’s performance.

It has a 300-watt brushless motor which makes 30 km/h max.

There is a 0.5-liter canister with 200 bars of hydrogen gas, which lasts the entire race.

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The hydrogen goes on one side of the fuel cell, whereas Oxigen from around is blown on the other side. While the electricity is taken for the electric hub drive motor, water and heat comes out. The cooling system is key to the performance.

A small supercapacitor helps with peak loads

the light hydrogen car is a efficient fuel cell electric vehicle
energy efficient hydrogen car

the fuel efficient Hydrogen car, is better than battery electric cars

The overall efficiency is 55-65 % so it might be even more confusing to you that a purely electric car like the urban mobility one is less efficient, due to size and weight of the battery. It still reaches 131 km per kWh.

So guess who won the race in 2024?

The Winner is the ThaiGer H2 Raicing TEAM.

Shell eco marathon

Thanks to the amazing ThaiGer H2 Racing team and to you, for your curiosity.

Check out the news about the cheapest hydrogen internal combustion car

If you want to take part at the eco marathon click here.

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