The smallest hydrogen fuel station is portable, high quality and still affordable. How is that possible?
My name is Andreas Esser the CEO of “The VOLKS-ELECTROLYZER”. I have a Diploma in renewable Energy Engineering for Housing.

Why did a team of enthusiasts develop the smallest hydrogen fuel station.
This is how the story begun.
We run a successful Engineering Office. Grows was more than 20 % every year and the customers liked us because we made them energy independent as much as possible with Solar. One customer was determined to spend thousands of Euros for batteries. He wanted to become almost OFF GRID in his urban house. The team made calculations and researched nights on end.
Everybody was looking for an energy storage to take overproduction from summer to winter.
I couldn’t find any affordable long term storage solution word wide.
The customer saved his money and wait upon our advice.
Never the less, I knew that hydrogen could make the job and I was astonished that there no products on the market. But I found small German compagnies, who were secretly working in their laboratories. We met up and combined all the necessary components to build the VOLKS-ELECTROLYZER.
However, there is an incredible upcoming demand on hydrogen infrastructure. Europe is Investing 550 Billion Dollars in Hydrogen. The US is investing 600 Billion Dollars in Hydrogen and so on. Every major country has made a comparable hydrogen roadmap.
A hydrogen fuel station costs about 1 Million Euro on the market
That makes the hydrogen transition slow. Many small hydrogen fuel stations make the same job and the smallest hydrogen fuel station cost much less. Why not fuel at home and safe millions. ☺
Now, 1 kWh Lithium Battery storage cost 1,000 Euro, whereas 1 kWh of Hydrogen Storage costs less than 10 €/kWh. Not mentioned the almost countless number of cycles of a hydrogen bottle. The prices for grid electricity to charge almost doubled worldwide in the last two years.
Hydrogen energy storage tanks overtake Lithium economically
Why someone looking for a long term residential energy storage develops the smallest hydrogen fuel station?
In order to store hydrogen in a tank you need to compresse it. That is unique about the VOLKS-ELECTROLYZER. It produces and compresses hydrogen in one single machine. It is little more than a foot wide and less than two feet long and high, so that it fits in every garage and it produce enough energy four one single household. It is easy to assemble and works plug and play with solar and water connectors. What you end up with is a hydrogen fuel station.
What to do with hydrogen?
If you compare natural gas with hydrogen, there are just little chemical and physical differences.
natural gas CH4 and hydrogen H2 times 2 H4 just carbon free
so easy to adjust
The appliances are all on the market for decades. Like catalytic heaters, Compressed Natural Gas, short CNG cars, hydrogen generators and fuel cells are becoming better and better.
uses of hydrogen, let’s talk about the best hydrogen car

you have the unique chance to be one of the first in a global sustainable hydrogen economy and make hydrogen instead of losing money. One month ago you could earn 1.500 Euros a Year with the VOLKS-ELEKTROLYZER, now you can already earn 1.619 Euros pear year. You see the tendency, right?
We didn’t safe a penny to make it the safest and smallest Hydrogen Fuel Station for you.
Inflation, noble Metals and hydrogen energy storage
It’s made with Platinum and Iridium Catalyst whose value is rising quick. Is it little more useful than jewelry?
And if you have money on the bank your losing it anyway through inflation.
Make the step toward sustainable energy independence be loved by your beloved ones for being the first saving the world.
We offer a 20% early bird discount and are really proud to have THE VOLKS-ELECTROLYZER 1.0 produced for only 27,600 €. Minus 5,000 € Discount you get it for only 23,000 €.
Electrically speaking, capacity upon demand for less than 10 €/kWh, countless cycles and the Wallbox included.
Production begins with 100 PREORDERS, Earliest delivery in 2024
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and check electrolyzer cost of more than 40 hydrogen manufacturers to see our best value